
Course description

01166521       Psychology of Learning and Teaching                                       2(2-0-4)

          Concepts and application of psychological theories. Learning and teaching process, with emphasis on theories of learning, motivation, personality, individual differences, and self-concept. Analysis and synthesis of research on the psychology of teaching.

01166522       Behavioral Science in Education                                    2(2-0-4)

Learning theory of behaviorism, cognitive learning theory. Techniques and methods of modification learner behavior.  A research on the behavioral sciences, and behavioral modification

01166524       Theories of Personality Motivation for Development of Learners   2(2-0-4)

Theories of personality, motivation, and techniques for development of personality and motivation of learners.

01166526       Trends of  Learning Development in 21st Century   2(2-0-4)

Trends and context of education in the 21st century. Important Learning skills in 21st century. Application of learning theory to the learners develop skills for learning in the 21st century.

01166527       Social Psychology in Education                                      2(2-0-4)

Theories and principles of social psychology, nature and changes in human psychological aspects in social groups, students’ behavior and study group, social impacts on classroom learning and teaching.

01166528       Buddhist Psychology for Education                      2(1-2-3)

          Essentials of Buddhist Psychology concerning mind and karma which are the spheres of the manifestation of education, roles and necessity of environment, wisdom, and motivation in human development, the system of human development consisting in the three-fold training (Trisikkha), its application in education, and off-campus practice.

01166529       Cognitive Psychology                                          2(2-0-4)

The history and development of cognitive psychology. The function of the brain associated with perception and the human thinking. The study of cognitive psychology. Psychological theories associated with perception. Process of thinking, logical thinking, problem solving and creativity thinking.

01166531       Dynamic Approach in Guidance                                     3(3-0-6)

          Philosophy, principles, purposes and scope of guidance service, model of organization and administration of guidance service in educational setting, application of guidance principles on development promotion, prevention and treatment of the problems in personal, educational, vocational, and social aspects of the students, developing guidance characteristics, case study, guidance tools, students supporting system, and field trip.

01166532       Advance Guidance Tools and Techniques                                 2(2-0-4)

          Using guidance tools and techniques to gather and analyze individual data or group data for guidance, emphasizing hand on guidance tools and techniques, case study. And utilizing technology for guidance.

01166534       Mental Health and Adjustment in Educational Setting                 2(2-0-4)

Theories and principles of psychology concerning health and adjustment, regular students and students with special needs, methods that individual has confronted with problem, mental health promotion,  treatment and prevention of mental health problems, adjustment in educational setting.

01166536       Use of Psychological Tests for Guidance                         2(1-2-3)

Characteristics and needs of standardized psychological tests, intensive introduction to the non-complicated intelligence, achievement, aptitude, interest, and personality tests, supervised practice in test administration, scoring, interpretation, and report writing of test results, case conference for reporting test results, and planning intervention.

01166537       Life Career Development                                              2(2-0-4)

          Concept of life career development, theories of vocational choice and theories of vocational development, principle and methods of career decision and career planning, factors influencing on vocational choice, the process of life career development promotion, and teacher’s role in life career development promotion.

01166541       Theories and Techniques of Counseling                       2(2-0-4)

Comparative study of conceptual frameworks about human nature, structure and development of personality, nature of anxiety, therapeutic goals, roles and functions of counselor, ethics in counseling profession, counseling process and stages, counseling techniques following theories, Pros and cons between theories in educational settings, selection, and integration of counseling theories which are suitable to oneself.

01166543       Basic Counseling Skills and Individual Counseling   3(2-2-5)

          Practice of basic individual counseling skills and techniques, clinical interviewing technique, rapport building, listening and selecting effective interventions, analysis and appraisal of counselee’s problems and needs, individuals with crisis and referral, and planning and integrating effective techniques in counseling sessions.

01166544       Group Counseling                                              2(1-2-3)

To understand different groups, parts of group, group process and stages, group purposes, strengths and weaknesses in group process, different kinds of groups, assessment and techniques in group counseling, ethical issues in group counseling, and use of techniques, emphasis on concepts, attitude and skill development in conducting a group, and practice how to conduct group counseling and to perform skills as an effective group leader.

01166546       Career Development and Career Counseling                                        2(2-0-4)

Career development theories, process in counseling to help persons and education planning models which are important factors that influence in career decision making. Including, study career assessments which are using in career and educational counseling for person in various ages.

01166547       Buddhist Counseling                                           2(1-2-3)

Implementation Buddhist principles for counseling; preventing and solving mental health problems by using holistic approach of  threefold learning which its aims to develop counselee wisdom, concentration and behaviors; practicing systematic thinking (Yonisomanasikara).

01166592       Research Methodology in Behavioral Science                             2(2-0-4)

Research principles and methods in psychology, problem analysis for research topic identification, data collecting for research planning, identification of samples and techniques, research analysis, result explanation and discussion, report writing, presentation, and preparation for journal publication.

01166594       Practicum                                                                   3(0-6-3)

Practicum in educational psychology or counseling psychology or guidance psychology in educational setting.

01166595       Independent Study                                                                3,3

Independent study on interesting topic at the master’s degree level, compile into a report and present in the final oral examination.

01166596       Selected Topics in Educational Psychology and Guidance     1-3

Selected topics in educational psychology and guidance at the master’s degree level. Topics are subject to change each semester.

01166597       Seminar                                                                               1

Presentation and discussion on current interesting topics in educational psychology, counseling and guidance at a master’s degree level.

01166598       Special Problems                                                                   1-3

Study and research in educational psychology, counseling and guidance at a master’s degree level and compile into a written report.

01166599       Thesis                                                              1-12

          Research at the master’s degree level and compile into a thesis.

01153531       Statistics in Educational Research                  3(3-0-6)

Relationship between statistics and research. Selections of  appropriate statistics in various research situations, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics in the case of comparing population mean with criteria; comparing between variables; data interpretation from computer printout that obtained by using statistical package for social sciences.


Updated: August 16, 2017